Sensory Yoga + Mindfulness Therapy
Ages 3-17
If your child struggles with anxiety, self-control,
behavior, mood/emotions, focus or developmental delays, pediatric yoga therapy can help!
During your free initial phone consultation,
we'll discuss any specific struggles, needs, concerns,
and goals you would like to focus on for your child.
Each week during 1:1 therapy sessions, we then:
Assess your child's treatment needs
Lead them through specific therapy exercises
Create their weekly C.A.L.M Time-in Toolkitâ„¢
Your child's unique Time-In Toolkitâ„¢ will include a
large collection of therapeutic yoga & mindfulness 'tools', mind/body-based strategies designed to help them 'build' skills for better focus, self-control, mood, behavior, stress-management & resiliency.
In every therapy session, your child will
learn & practice new therapeutic 'tools' to add to their
individually designed C.A.L.M Time-In Toolkitâ„¢ each week!
You'll receive a weekly home exercise program and
a recording of our sessions to help you work on these skills with your child in between their appointments.
60 minute therapy session:
In-person (at our Greenville office location): $125/session or 4/$400
Virtual: $100/session or 4/$300
For more information about our private yoga therapy services, please refer to our sister company,
Whole Child Holistic Therapy, here: